The Levy Preserve has 30 acres of land with numerous different habitats that support a variety of Herpetofauna. Joe Wasilewksi of Natural Selections of South Florida, an expert Herpetologist, has explored the Levy Preserve on numerous occasions documenting the diversity and ecological structure and placement.
The Herpetofauna were identified with the following:
Schwartz, A. and R. W. Henderson, 1985. A Guide to the Identification of the Amphibians and Reptiles of the West Indies Exclusive of Hispaniola, Milwaukee Public Museum. 165 pages.
Powell, R. and R. W. Henderson, 2012 Island Lists of West Indies Amphibians and Reptiles, Florida Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 85–166
Check list of the Herpetofauna of the Levy Preserve
Class Amphibia
Order Anura:
Eleutheradactylus rogersi Greenhouse frog
Osteopilus septentrionalis Cuban tree frog
Class Reptilia
Order Testudines:
Trachemys terrapin Bahamian slider
Order Squamata,
Suborder Sauria
Anolis distichus Bark anole
Anolis smaragdinus Green anole
Anolis sagrei Brown anole
Anolis sagrei ordinatus Brown anole
Suborder Gekkota
Hemidactylus mabouia Tropical house gecko (Introduced)