Habit: Centrosema angustifolium grows as a trailing or climbing perennial vine to 2 meters in length. The trifoliate leaves are arranged alternately and are up to 12 cm in length. The leaflets are linear, to 8 cm in length, with an acute leaf apex and entire margin. C. angustifolium is distinguished from C. virginianum by having linear vs. ovate leaflets.
The complete, perfect, zygomorphic flowers are solitary, arising from leaf axils and are subtended by 2 bracts. The calyx has 5 partially fused green sepals. The corolla has 5 pink/purple petals. The upper 2 petals are fused into a keel and the lower sepal is enlarged as a landing. There are 10 diadelphous stamens (9 fused and a single free). The ovary is superior and has a single locule. The fruit is a legume at maturity.
Habitat: Centrosema angustifolium grows in Human Altered environments such as abandoned fields and along the edges of Dry Broadleaf Evergreen Formation-Forest/Shrublands (coppice).
Distribution: Centrosema angustifolium occurs in the northern island groupings of the Lucayan Archipelago as well as Central and South America.
Medicinal/Cultural/Economic usage: Centrosema angustifolium has no medicinal usage in the Lucayan Archipelago .