Jacquinia berteroi

Jacquinia berteroi Spreng.

Common Names: Bert’s Joe Wood

Family: Primulaceae

Habit: Jacquinia berteroi grows as a large shrub to small tree up to 7 m in height (usually shorter).  The bark is smooth and whitish. The leaves are arranged alternately, to 5 cm long and 2 cm wide.  The coriaceous leaves oblong to spatulate with a round or retuse or apiculate leaf apex and an entire, slightly revolute margin.  The abaxial surface is glandular.

The complete, perfect, actinomorphic flowers are arranged in terminal or axillary umbel like racemes and not exceeding the length of the leaves.  The calyx has 5 unfused, glabrous, green sepals.  The corolla has 5 unfused salverform shaped greenish white/yellow petals with recurved lobes. There are 5 stamens and 5 staminodia.  The ovary is superior with a single locule and numerous seeds.  The fruit is a berry that turns whitish yellow to orange at maturity.

Habitat: Jacquinia berteroi grows along shorelines in Dry Broadleaf Evergreen Formation-Forest/Shrublands (coppice, scrublands).

Distribution: Jacquinia berteroi occurs throughout the island groups in the Lucayan Archipelago, Cuba, Hispaniola, Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico and the Leeward Islands.

Medicinal/Cultural/Economic usage: Jacquinia berteroi is not known to be used medicinally in the Lucayan Archipelago.