Habit: Tradescantia pallida grows creeping along the ground or up on other vegetation to 50 cm in length, rooting at the nodes. The deep purple (sometimes green) leaves are arranged alternately, to 10 cm in length and 2 cm wide, elongate, with parallel veins and an entire margin. The leaf base is clasping and can overlap with other leaves at the apex or stems when flowering. There may be pubescence along the leaf margin.
The complete, perfect, actinomorphic flowers are arranged in sessile umbels. The peduncle is pubescent. The calyx has 3 unfused, green, sepals. The corolla has 3 pink petals. There are 6 unfused, pubescent stamens. The ovary is superior and has 3 locules and 3 ovules. The fruit is a capsule.
Habitat: Tradescantia pallida grows in Human Altered environments (yards and gardens).
Distribution: Tradescantia pallida is NOT native to the Lucayan Archipelago. It is native to Mexico but is now widespread in tropical and subtropical regions.
Medicinal/Cultural/Economic usage: Tradescantia pallida is not known to be used medicinally in the Lucayan Archipelago.
It is used as an ornamental.